Mt Morris Lake Management District Web Site
The Board has developed this one "first step" plan to address the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species and the continuing silt build-up in the lake causing the expansion of shallow bottom areas. This page will provide information links about that plan. In order for that plan to be implemented, the District has to comply with the procedural rules spelled out by State Government and by the DNR for proper permitting of the process and implementing a public communication plan about the process. The District has submitted the application, and it has been tentatively approved the DNR. However, a few parts of the permitting and communication process need to be completed. We have already published a notice in the Wednesday, August 10 Waushara Argus, to inform the public about the drawdown process. Other parts of the permitting process could change the exact dates of the drawdown process. We will keep you informed.
Several years ago, with participation by a special District member committee, the DNR, and our Onterra, LLC consultant, the District began to seek information and to develop a plan for controlling AIS and bottom silt build up in the lake. Having collected the necessary preliminary data, several plans were developed, and subsequently, one plan was adopted as the most logical "first step" action to take regarding solving these issues.
In 2021, supported by a District-wide advisory referendum mailed to all District members in April, 2021, a vote by all property owners to authorize one action plan was taken at the Annual District Meeting on July 17, 2021. Over 150 people attended the Annual meeting, and voted to approve the plan for a winter drawdown of six feet of water level to take place starting September 15 through mid March, 2022. The details of that plan and information about the drawdown process have been posted on this page. We will provide further information about the exact date and timeline f the drawdown. Please read the information about the draw down concept. Keep consulting this website page for further updates.
To learn about what a "lake drawdown" is what, how, and why it needs to be done, click on the following plan link in blue (below) to see the documents. If you have more questions please contact Rob Adams, or any of the Board members. (CONTACT US link)
A draw down of the lake water level by 6 feet from September 15, 2021 to May 15, 2022 has concluded. The refill of the lakes back to normal water levels was completed by May 25, 2022.
Our consultants, and the DNR, have advised us that this is a good first step to acquire needed data to direct our future actions. The current science data about our lakes indicates that one winter period of drawdown will help to reduce AIS and compact some silt and soil.... as well as give us the data as wo what to do about these issues in the future. More information will be posted when the post draw down research ahs been completed.
Further data about the results we achieved by the draw down will be presented in the Fall, 2022 in a Post-Drawdown Report. At this time, Onterra LLC is conducting surveys and research to gather data about the impact of the draw down. While there was a lot of gloating debris during May, June, and July, the lake seems to have settled into a cleaner environment in August.
Use this information to learn about the draw down concept:
Ontera YouTube Video Presentation: Go to: https://youtu.be/ZdTuqTwR4eg